How to send an MSN greeting
All MSN greeting e-cards and create-and-print cards are supplied by American Greetings. You can send a few free cards. The majority of the cards are available only after registering as a member.
Membership costs $13.99 per year. This membership entitles you to send as many e-cards as you want per year. You are also entitled to a one month free trial. All other conditions and e-card features are the same as
I specified on the
American Greeting e cards page.
You can also sign up for create-and-print and e-card membership. This combined membership costs $29.99 a year and allows you to send e-cards AND to create-and-print personal cards that you can personalize and print. You can read about this feature in more detail on this site on the Greeting Software page. You are entitled to a one month free trial for this option too.
If you would like to use the create-and-print option alone, it will cost you $19.99 a year for the use of more than ten thousand templates, to which you can add photos, edit and customize as you make your own cards.
The birthday e-card selection is large. It includes categories such as: Family, Friends, Just for Him (or Her or Teens or Kids), Romantic e-cards and more.
Upon registering as a member you get to enjoy the American Greetings and MSN variety of thousands of all-occasion and seasonal greeting cards.

You can read about the classical cards: Hallmark and American Greetings!
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